Saturday, March 23, 2013

Loving and Suceeding in my Adventure!

Hello Everyone,

So I have had a very relaxing break. I caught up on sleep, went to different doctors appointments (I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out), I went shopping, and to my pleasant surprise I lost weight! I say pleasant because I did not think this week had gone well. For my birthday I did a Bar Crawl because after all it was St. Patrick's Day. I had a great time, and therefore,  drank all of my flex points. So this had me a bit worried for the rest of the week. Since it was Spring Break my focus was just to relax so I was not pushing myself to go to the gym. I was walking but not a very hard workout. Yesterday I was talking to my brother saying well I might gain weight tomorrow but that is ok, I won't be discouraged because when I go back to school I will be in my routine. (I go to the gym as an escape so I don't stress out about school and life in general) So right now I am very proud of myself. I am proud not just about what I lost, but because even though I was not really tracking I was eating differently and being mindful. Though I started my adventure as a diet, it is really not at all. This is a life change and a great change at that!! I have lost over 22 pounds which is a great milestone and in the next few weeks it will be 25 pounds, which is a milestone that I am sure weight watchers will celebrate with me.

More importantly, for the first time in very long time, I feel like "me" again. I was also talking to Alex about this yesterday. He agrees with me. I have not been this happy since before my mom got sick. I am not saying that the "me" I have been has been a bad person or that I am done healing from everything that has happened because I know that will never happen...but I have made changes in my life and am accepting that my life has changed. It is not necessarily a good or bad change, but it is a change.

This week is Passover so I have kind of an extended Spring Break. But I will be back in CP on Wednesday and have the rest of the semester to finish. But I am very happy and everything is really great right now.

That is really it for now. Hope you all liked the post.


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