Monday, March 11, 2013

Wanting Break and my Birthday to come...

Hello Everyone,

So hopefully this post will not be as depressing as last week. Even though this blog is primarily about my weight loss it is also about my life and how I am coping with everything. I have my ups and downs because that is really how grief works...and let's face it life as well. Thankfully, I have less bad days and more good days as time goes on. That is really all I can ask for.

Even thought daylight savings is messing me up. I am so happy with the weather. I love this time of year. I am literally wearing flip flops, a scarf, jeans, and a turtle neck tank top. I have a light jacket as well.

This weekend I went to weight watcher like I do every weekend and I lost .6 pounds. My total is 15.8 right now. The weight is coming off slower now but I am not discouraged.

I saw one of my friends this weekend and she had not see me since winter break and said you look like you lost 30 pounds...I wish. The point is that she noticed the change and I am noticing too. I also love my lifestyle now. I love eating healthy and working out I wish I could have learned to enjoy this earlier in my life but I am still young so its fine.

The point is weight watchers has two ways of tracking what you eat. One is called "tracking" and the other is called "simply filling." I have been doing tracking which is where all food basically has a point value. Simply filling is a system where you have power foods (vegetables, fruit, tofu, fish, chicken, sweet potatoes, and brown rice etc.) that don't have any point values. All non power foods have point values still and you have a weekly amount of points where you take use the non power food points. Also activity points help as well. I am really excited about this because I think it will help me a lot. I am still tracking everything I eat but I do like it a lot better, its easier.

This is a new thing that I am trying for the week to see if it is easier and I thought I would share.

Hope everyone is doing well and if you have nice weather enjoying it as well.


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