Friday, June 28, 2013

The Best Time of the Year

Hey Everyone,

I really didn't realize how long it had been since I last posted something. The rest of my semester went really well. This last semester was probably the best semester that I have had in college. Even though there is a part of me that is ready to be done with school, I keep reminding myself that I need to enjoy this "time" because it will soon be over and I will have to be in the "real world."

So I think that summertime is the best time of the year. Even though I am taking summer classes, generally there is no school or it is not as intense as during the school year. The weather is great! I know people complain about the DC humidity, and I'm no different, but summer would not be summer, if not for it. Time, I have time to do what I want during the summer because I am on break. I get to go to the beach, which is really the best part. Well, that and the food, obviously. I feel so lucky and blessed to live in an area with such great produce. Some of what I have been doing when I am not doing school work, working, or exercising has been going to farm stands. There is a small stand by my house and on the days that I work from home, I have walking there on my lunch breaks and buying fresh produce. And then my cousin runs a farm stand in Bethesda, that I go to on the weekends. Then, there is always Whole Foods, which is such an easy place to go and get a balance and healthy meal. It is also right by the place where I have been working out this summer. I have gotten into boxing and kickboxing with Melissa. It is a really great workout and even though I usually feel like I am dying in the middle, but I love it.

I have been doing really well on weight watchers as well. As of last week I had lost 28 pounds since I started in January. But since the last time I posted anything, I have made some big milestones that weight watchers celebrates. In no particular order, I reached the 25 pounds mark, the first 16 week mark, and I have lost 10% of my starting weight. These were all great milestones for me, but I know that I still have a lot of work to do. This summer my focus is really what this blog is about, my adventure to weight loss. I am having fun and going out with my friends but I am also going to the gym as much as possible. And staying on track with the weight watchers program.

Like I said before I really feel so blessed and lucky. I have been interning for a Maryland Delegate doing research on issues that affect Marylander's. Also, I've been taking a summer class about Maryland Politics. So I have learned more about the state as a whole. I have always felt this way but I am really lucky to have the life that I do. There are so many issues that Americans face everyday, that I don't have to worry about. I am lucky enough to have family that supports me and ensuring that I succeed without being in debt. Also, all my friends, thank you so much! You all are amazing and such a great support. Part of the reason why I have been so successful in my weight loss is because I have all of you! Though I am living a healthier life style having you all reminds me to just have fun.

I have to get to my boxing class now. I hope everyone is enjoying summer.

That's it for now,

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