Tuesday, March 5, 2013

That time in the semester....

Hello Everyone,

So instead of doing homework right now I have decided to blog and hopefully clear my mind so I can do homework. This week and today have been interesting. This week I have two papers due and they are basically my midterms. One, I have already turned in and the other is due on Friday. I also have a midterm next week. I am not sure when I am going to take it yet because my professor has decided to make it open note/book and we are to take it online. This is very nice but I still have to get it done. Hence the title.

As you may guess this is not helpful to my weight loss plan. Even though I am consistently losing weight. However, I need to use my flex points, which are fine. But for myself I would rather them last the week and I have not been doing that. In the grand scheme of things this is so not a big deal but this is something that is easy to worry about and has been on my mind.

Also, my birthday is coming up and that brings on even more challenges. I would like to eat and drink on my birthday. By eat I mean like really good cake and my birthday is St. Paddy's day so I will be having fun. However, my birthday is the start of Spring Break which then follows Passover. SO MUCH FOOD!!! I know that I just need to remember moderation and portion control so I will try. The great news is that I will be able to work out everyday so I will get activity points.

The most annoying thing is that since I am stressed I think about my mom. I don't think it helps that my birthday and passover are so close together this year either. Also, this was one of my mom's favorite time of year because it was almost my birthday, almost spring, there was a break from school, and passover. Today when I was in the library all of the sudden I starting crying. It was like a tidal of emotion and it was just from looking at my planner, being stressed, and planning for passover. It was really just because I miss her, I am also so happy, and doing everything that I want for myself therefore, she wanted for me.  (Sorry this has gotten somewhat depressing)

But anyways everything is good just the normal stresses of being in College. As I told one of my sorority sister's today...I can't wait to be on spring break so I can regroup and be able to focus on my healthy lifestyle. Hopefully my birthday and passover won't mess me up.

That is it for now.


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