Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Starting Over-Sorta?

Hey everyone,

So I just read my last blog post and WOW that was from so long ago. So much stuff has happened since then. I realize that I probably stopped blogging because sprained my foot shortly after and that created issues. The sprain did slowly heal but then I had to get foot surgery. The whole thing was really unpleasant and it still is. Now that I am working in retail, being on my foot for my long shifts aren't the best for my foot but I make it work. I also graduated from the University of Maryland which was pretty great but that added a lot of stress my final semester. Now that I am out of school it really sucks. I should have listened to the countless people who told me my whole life to never graduate from college. I miss it but at the same time it was time for me to be done. I just wish finding a full-time job and having motivation to do it was so much easier than it actually is.

All of that is somewhat important but not the point of this. The point is that since I stopped writing this blog the total amount of weight that I had lost was 50lbs. But I have gained about 20lbs back. This is for various reasons mainly not going to Weight Watchers or Tracking. Its a lot of work! Its feels like a part-time job. When there is a lot of stuff going on then something sometimes lags and this was it.

So I am kind of sorta starting over, but not really. I know what I have to do in order to lose weight I just have to do it. I started this blog to keep myself accountable. I am going to do this again because it worked. I want to look the way I feel. I want to lose the 20lbs that I gained back (this was over the course of a long time). I also want to weigh less than 200lbs. This is going to be a challenge because my body is REALLY comfortable at that weight BUT that is not a healthy weight for my height. I want to be healthy. That was really the point of this from the beginning as well.

To keep myself accountable I am making guidelines. I will be posting AT LEAST once a month if not twice. Toward the beginning more because this is new and exciting again. I will also be going to Weight Watchers weekly because I need to and I would rather not get a welcome back from my leader saying "Where the **** have you been?" (Oh if my Leader had only know my mother they would have gotten along pretty well) Also, I will be going to the gym regularly again. My gym has Body Pump and Spinning classes, which I love! And when it gets warmer go bike riding around Rock Creek Park. So hopefully by March?

This week has been a struggle with eating and hours I work aren't always great for working out. It doesn't help that I am at a mall and with tons of yummy junk food surrounding me. So basically this means planning. I need to have healthy options to eat at work, which means bringing my own food. I also need to plan when I will work out. So I am about to make my lunch for today and then I will be going to Body Pump if I get off work in time!

That's it for now!


1 comment:

  1. it is a struggle Beautiful Cousin … trust me I know! but you sound strong an being healthy is so important. you've got my support.
